
Trusted timestamping on the Tezos blockchain.

Aggregator API

Public aggregator base URL

You can run your own aggregator server and use our management utility to deploy your own contract to any Tezos network.

Submit a hash for timestamping

POST /stamp

Submits a hash to be aggregated.

The Content-Type header must be one of application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The payload must have a data field containing a hexadecimal representation of a SHA-256 hash.

The server will respond with a URL at which the proof will be published and seconds until next publication, not including time to on-chain inclusion and confirmation. The response will be plain text by default, but a JSON object can be requested with an Accept header with value application/json:

  "url": "",
  "secondsToPublication": "1000"


$ curl -d data=40cb6ac0645f648a12d0aab7df480796fc4165609a65ea430018d9b3af68b76d

Download a timestamp proof

GET /proof/:id

Retrieves a proof by ID from the server.

The server will respond with the one of the following:


$ curl -o myfile.proof.json

Get the server status

GET /status

Fetches the current status of the server. Includes the following information:

The response will be plain text by default, but a JSON object can be requested with an Accept header with value application/json:

  "proofVersion": 1,
  "network": "NetXdQprcVkpaWU",
  "contract": "KT1AtaeG5PhuFyyivbfPZRUBkVMiqyxpo2cH",
  "secondsToPublication": "1000"